Will I Ever?

posted by Jan

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Right now, I'm wondering if ever... If ever I can go back to my old figure? I knew I almost hit it. After I gave birth to my second, my weight loss was so rapid I only needed to lose 2 kgs in order to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. My only problem that time was a post-preggy tummy. But really, if I focused on toning my tummy down, I would have gotten my goal. But no, I started to lax. And when I realized I have gone overboard, it has become too difficult to go back to my old figure. I know it's almost impossible to get my old figure back but at least, I could go back to my original weight.

Maybe I need to pop in some human growth hormone supplements... what do you think? It seems that the maximum I could attain is the 4kg-more-to-gain-my-pre-preg-weight. Everytime I hit that mark, I'd just lax again...

Will I ever make it to my goal weight?
