father's day gift ideas

posted by Jan on ,

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father's day is just around the corner. well, actually, it's just a few more days and it's here. i'm sure everybody is thinking what to give to his father or husband on father's day. right now, i still have no idea what to buy for my dear husband. i always make him a video presentation to say how grateful we are that he's the father of the kids. of course, I do it in behalf of the kids. but this time, I don't know what to do or give to him. making video presentation every year could be a bit boring too... right? maybe we go shopping for casual shirts for him as he runs of casual shirts already. all too old to be worn. what do you think?

what about you? what gift do you give to your husband or father? you know what? i have an idea. if your husband or father is into medical stuff and all that, why not buy him medical id that's super elegant. i'm sure he'd appreciate you for giving him that.

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