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I signed up for payperpost. I did last week when my family and I were on holiday. One day I was just sitting by the pool, waiting for my dear husband and kids to get off the pool and the thought of applying this blog for PPP just came. I got an answer the other day that this blog was approved. That was a good news indeed.

PPP is one of the best sites that offers you to pay for what you love doing which is blogging. This is a great way to earn money, considering that I am just staying at home, doing nothing. I mean, not doing career jobs at all. You know, we, SAHM's, just stay at home, take care of kids and sometimes, when we have time, we blog. And what better way to pass up our time with than blogging, especially on our kids development and such? And what better way to earn money than just blogging about the things we love? Indeed, payperpost is here to make it happen.

PPP has a way to bring advertisers and bloggers together. It is a hub for both. Advertisers can increase traffic to their websites that offer products and have bloggers publish their products and at the same time, bloggers will be paid to write reviews about their products. I am looking forward to writing reviews and get paid at the same time. It's fun and exciting!