New Laptop

posted by Jan on


I need a new laptop. The one I am using will have to go off soon. To where? To Pakistan. It's supposed to be given to one of the workers in Pakistan. I have been using it for a while now... well, after my laptop crashed and the computer guy said it would be expensive to fix it might as well buy a new one. Now I am scouting for a new laptop, not that I can afford to buy one. Well, I just window shopped for a computer to find out which computer I would like to have. You never know... God might send somebody again my way and decide to bless me with a laptop. I saw this red Sony Vaio. It does look really cool. And I saw others which were cool too. The problem with window shopping is that you would get confused with the selection. There are just too many to choose from. But of course, you can narrow down the selection by choosing which type you need and which type suits you the best.