
posted by Jan on


We had to cut our family trip short for about 8 hours. There was an emergency back home that we had to come back, by hook or by crook. And of course, we had to buy new airlines ticket because our air tickets that I bought last year was on promotion. So we couldn't move it to an earlier date. And yes, we used our credit card again. I really didn't mind because this was a real emergency. I am going to write more about it later.

We actually paid a lot for this morning's ticket. Good thing we haven't reached our credit limit yet. Otherwise, we'll be in big trouble again financially... which would mean requiring us to do some kind of debt consolidation.

I am so tired now. But I can't sleep coz my kids are still awake. Hopefully they will sleep soon. I also need to put up our yummy sunday soon. So please bear with me.