Another Holiday

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Yes. There's another holiday coming our way. I have booked our air tickets last year when air asia offered 0 airfare. We have told the kids' teachers already about this trip. Of course, they're not happy that the kids would miss a lot of things while away. But we asked them to give homework to the kids (especially my boy) so we could do it while holidaying. I am thankful that God has blessed us so much with friends that bless us as well. One of our friends gave us a free hotel stay, a 4-start hotel stay in Langkawi, for 5 days. So yes, we are going to Langkawi for our next holiday. The cat is out of the basket finally. LOL. I saw in the internet that Langkawi has some unique hotels. I am glad we're staying in one of those. Ain't God great? He is awesome, indeed.