Maggie Mee Day

posted by Jan on

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I don't always serve this kind of food on the table... but sometimes, there are situations where I can't avoid and I resort to preparing Maggie Mee or Mamee Mee for my family. My kids love it a lot. Who wouldn't. I can eat it every day for the rest of my life. LOL. Anyways, I know it doesn't sound good, especially if you're a health buff. I just thought that once in a while of doing things can't hurt. But I think that's just an excuse for being too lazy to cook. Well, if you wanna learn more about good diet and stuff like that, you may click here to learn more.

Now, where's my can of soda? LOL.

Oh actually, for kids, I just took out the powdered flavor, put a pinch of salt to the cooked noodles and top it with beaten raw egg. And sometimes, when I boil the water, I add in some vegetables before putting the noodles inside. I think it's not so bad at all.