Me and My D-I-Y Spa

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And so I really maximized my time when the kids were with their grandparents. I did all sorts of things in the house, watched movies with my hubby in the house and in Sunway Pyramid, dined at Nando's and enjoyed my favorit 1/4 quarter meal.

The best of all was I was able to dig my spa material and discovered I still have some essential oils I bought from The Body Shop. I opened one of my books on D-I-Y spas, dig my kitchen for some ingredients. Yes, most of the ingredients of spas can be found in the kitchen... and did a d-i-y body scrub and body wrap -- these at the comfort of my own bathroom and my own time.

What else did I do?

I did a foot spa!

I told you I really used my me-time to the brim.

And of course, I went online, did my work, surfed the net about Newport Beach real estate. Who knows I would get into that business one day.

It was very refreshing to have a me-time. We moms/wives don't get that chance every day. And so while we can... we should somehow maximize our time and do things we don't normally do when the kids are around.