Love List for Couples

posted by Jan

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When hubs and I married each other, we both knew that we were going to have a great marriage together. We had so many common interest, and one of them was going on holidays. You know, on our first month of marriage, we sat down and wrote down the 7 non-negotiobles on our Love List.

This is something we wrote down for everyday. Everyday we touch, cuddle, kiss, hug, say ‘I Love You’, compliment each other, and laugh. These were the stuff we told ourselves we would do, and to be really honest we still do them. I am so glad we enjoy these special moments together.

Then we agreed on things we want to do once a week. We agreed that we would sleep in, talk, clean the house, clear conflicts, chill-out at the malls, restaurants, and we would have passionate nights. Well this one we couldn’t do it all, but the passionate nights is something that has been a challenge because when the kids came along, they took all our energy away so much so we don’t have any more energy left at nights. Funny,but true. I’m sure all couples with kids can attest to that.

Then we agreed on things we want to do once a month. We agreed that we would have special romantic dinners, hubs will buy me flowers, give each other something (doesn’t matter how big or small), and visit parents. You know, hubs hasn’t failed in giving me flowers once a month eversince we got married. He’s just so romantic. Every month he would by me African Daisies, or also know as Zebras, and I just simply love them.

Then we agreed that every quarterly, we would go on holidays for at least 3 days, and 2 nights. In the early years of marriage, we kept to our plans, but as the children grew older and started going to school, we couldn’t go for breaks once in three months. Now we go for holidays once a year, and in fact, last year we were able to go for two holidays, once to Australia and another trip to Thailand.

Then we agreed on things we would like to do once a year, and we agreed on spending time to do a personal reflection of the year that passed by, talk about new year resolutions, and go for a long holiday somewhere special.

I am so glad we had this ‘Love List’ for building intimacy in our marriage. I’ve been waiting to say this the last, the most common thing we both share is we both share the same birthdays! Isn’t that awesome!! Oh, you know that already. LOL!