Family Boat Ride

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Schenker, my 7 year old son has been asking us to go on a boat ride. I think he even asked if we could hire a boat and go on a holiday or a cruise. Either that, or hire a camper van so we could go camping. LOL. We have been thinking and we finally decided that we would take the family on an island trip.

We made a trip to the Andaman Sea and decided to rent a boat (image above, Schenker on a boat ride with his friend from South Africa) so we could go on a cruise except that it’s a smaller boat and not a real big cruise ship. The ride on the boat was just overwhelming. As we traveled, we saw beautiful mountains, clear sandy beaches, beautiful landscapes and experienced the bright sunny weather. The kids absolutely loved it, and I am glad, the trip widened their perspective of life and the wonderful creation.

I guess one day when we save enough we might be able to go on a nice family cruise, and I guess Family Cruises would be a great way of bonding, away from the hustle and bustle of life.

I must say the boat trip we made to the islands made us appreciate life and the beautiful nature. Life is bigger than we think, indeed.