Paleo for Kids | Fried Rice

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This recipe was inspired by's fried rice the Paleo way. Errrrr...  more like fried cauliflower fried rice style. I have modified a bit because of limited availability of ingredients.

Here are the ingredients available in my kitchen

2 eggs
bacon bits
sea salt
garlic powder
fish sauce
olive oil

Since I don't have a blender to use for now (spoiled it), nor do I have food processor, I chopped my cauliflower manually.

It took me some time to chop it until it's fine enough to compare to the size of rice. But I enjoyed doing it.

Prepared the bacon bits, 2 eggs beaten, cut onion into small cubes.

Stir fry the bacon in a pan. Take out when crispy enough. Set aside. Fry the beaten eggs thinly. Take out the fried eggs. In the same pan, add a little bit of olive oil. Sautee the onion until soft. Add in the finely chopped cauliflower. Season with sea salt and garlic powder. Turn the fire to low. Add a bit of fish sauce. Cover the pan and cook for 5 minutes. Add in the eggs. Top it with crispy bacon bits.


Even the gods will be deceived by this Paleo "fried rice." I know because my kids were.

I served it with the leftover roast chicken I prepared for dinner last night.

It is a winner! Thanks NomNomPaleo for the recipe!