Paleo for Kids | Roast Thigh Chicken and Stir-Fry Pumpkin with Spinach

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Dinner tonight was super easy.

I marinated the chicken thighs overnight, put in the freezer last night, put in the chiller this morning, and when I came back home from kids' school, I put it back to the oven for an hour.

My pumpkin with spinach recipe:

Half of medium-sized pumpkin, cubed
A bunch of  spinach
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 onion, diced
coconut oil
sea salt


1. Stir fry pumpkin in coconut oil for 5 minutes.
2. Take out the pumpkin, sautee garlic and onion.
3. Add in the pumpkin. Simmer for 10 minutes.
4. Add in spinach, leave for 3 minutes.
5. Take out and serve with roast thigh chicken.

I can't remember when's the last time I cooked pumpkin. So it feels like it's the first time I am feeding my kids this vegetable. It's an acquired taste probably. Hopefully someday, they'll learn to love the taste of it.

But they loved the chicken!

Maybe, next time, I'll make pumpkin soup. We'll see.