Real Beauty

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Proverbs 31:30 says, "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain but the woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." With so many definition of beauty nowadays, it's just so hard to tell which is the real definition of beauty. You watch the television, you read the magazines or books, and they would tell you being beautiful is skin deep. You have to wear this and that to be beautiful. You have to have this and that to be beautiful. A lot of us are misguided on the true meaning of beauty, thus we define beauty in a wrong way. But you know what, the best definition of being beautiful is when we fear the Lord. We see the true beauty in a person when she has a good heart. When she offers help to those in need and considers this as doing it for the Lord; when that person has compassion on fatherless, sick and poor; when she extends her hospitality to strangers; when she doesn't think of herself as above others... then she's a real beauty. A role model to look up. This is my motto in life that beauty is vain but the woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

If you want to find out more about how to be beautiful in the Lord, you might want to join a Theatre Church Conference in Silver Spring, MD on October 22 & 23. They are going to discuss on how it is like be beautiful in the Lord... not just a skin-deep type of beauty... but a beauty that's eternal. I actually checked out their website because I also want to find out more about it. Actually, this event will bring together respected thought leaders, pastors and church leaders from the nation’s most innovative growing churches to discuss the future of theatre worship. You know when you worship in a theater like service, it would have a different impact in your life, thus... resulting in us to do more good works that are pleasing to the Lord.