
posted by Jan on ,

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Weaning my girl off breastmilk was indeed a success! It was so successful I feel guilty sometimes. I feel that I weaned her off too soon. I was actually planning to breastfeed her for two years. But it's still months away... and I stopped breastfeeding her already. Sometimes I think I should have waited. Arg! But I also give my self a consolation that before I weaned her off... she became too attached to me. And everytime she saw me, she would only think of milk. For her, mommy = milk. So I just couldn't wait for two more months. Now that I don't breastfeed my girl anymore, it's time to hit those diet programs. I've been too lazy to hit the treadmill so probably this time, I'll just go slow on food. Hmmm.. let's see...

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